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Love Never Dies -- Mediumship is Evidence of It.

Writer's picture: Brian SharpBrian Sharp

Updated: Oct 6, 2024

Love Never Dies -- Mediumship is Evidence of It.

Don't laugh at my dorky glasses, but I wanted to share this photo. Another #spiritmedium friend of mine connected with my great-grandmother this past week--much to my surprise. I unexpectedly lost my great-grandmother on New Year's Day 2002--only a week after I had been with her for Christmas. I've longed to hear from her ever since her passing, but until recently she's not come through other #psychicmediums. She always used to tell me that she wanted to live long enough to see me turn 21 years old, and she passed into the #spiritworld when I was 21 years of age. Through #mediumship, my friend began describing her hairstyle, her personality, and even the black dress with white spots shown in this photo.

I personally don't believe there's any such thing as coincidence, but the other person in the photo is my grandmother, who passed into the #afterlife in September of last year. Her health had been slowly declining for some time, but she hugged me and my husband before we returned home. We planned to return to visit her the following weekend, but I received the phone call just as I began my final counseling session of the day--she had passed away.

Both of these dear women were protecting me with their love and compassion by departing this life when I would not be present to witness and feel so hurt by it. Both left this world and entered the next one only a week after last seeing me and telling me how much they loved me.

I am immensely grateful to KNOW--and not just to believe--that the love, which connects us all, never truly dies. We are all part of the larger whole--what many call "God"/"Source"--and I feel so blessed to know that these two women are still very much with me and protecting me.

#HappyMothersDay, Granny and grandma.


Brian Sharp Counseling LLC

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